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Martinus answers

About the correspondence between living and “dead” beings, sleep, funerals

When a soul or spirit leaves or loses its physical body at so-called “death”, does it then enter into a condition where it is conscious of the earthly life left behind - I mean, does it remember relatives and friends and the things it has experienced?

When a living being leaves or loses his physical body, he does not at first lose his physical consciousness, which in this case means experiences from his last terrestrial life, memories of relatives and friends and so on, and other knowledge.

As the physical consciousness is thus thoughts and thought materials it does not in itself constitute something physical, something material but is in reality of a purely spiritual nature. It is therefore independent of the physical body and cannot perish with it. It will, after the collapse of the physical body, still be connected to the I, which, with its eternal superconsciousness and subconsciousness, creates the living spirit which is the true, real, immortal being appearing behind the physical organism. When the spirit at death loses its physical body and so the physical part of its brain and nervous system which is the seat of its physical day consciousness it will lose the thereby dependent capacity consciously to interchange with the physical plane directly and so also the ability to stand in direct physical connection with those left behind on the physical plane. 

As its day consciousness, however, is transferred at death to its night consciousness, which is day consciousness on the spiritual plane, it will here still live in a conscious juggling with its experiences, memories, knowledge and so on from the physical terrestrial life left behind. These psychic phenomena will then become the decisive basis for the degree of light or happiness in the total spiritual existence the being has entered at death.

First published in Contact Letter no. 6/1950
Translation: Mary McGovern, 1986
Published in the English edition of Kosmos no 6/1986

© Martinus Institut 1981,
May be reproduced stating the copyright and the source of the material.