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Language in the form of "speech" and in the form of "writing"  192. Language constitutes a system of physical signs for thought pictures which by means of "speech" are manifested in hearing and the production of sound. But it can also be manifested through the projection of sight. In this case language presents itself to us not as speech but as "writing". When language is presented to us as writing it means that the thought pictures' physical signs are manifested in a way which instead of acting on the hearing act on the sight. The individual units of sound from which the phonetic symbols are made up have each their "visual" mark or sign. We call these symbols "characters" or "letters". By putting these letters together according to certain rules there emerges what we call a "word" or the symbol's visible expression. To manifest the sound symbol's visible expression or signs is thus the same as "to write", just as the manifestation of sound symbols connected with hearing is the same as "to speak". Language, then, can be manifested in the form of the "written word" and in the form of the "spoken word", and in both cases it is synonymous with the physical process of transferring thought pictures or mental facts from one individual to another.

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