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The individual's dark experiences or experiences of suffering become copied in love material and experienced as "bliss". Why "time cures all ills". The "kingdom of bliss"  211. As terrestrial mankind belongs to the animal kingdom, and its existence and conditions of life, its nature and character have been the instruments of the "killing principle", then accordingly the memory material will be of murder, slaughter, strife and suffering. But gradually as these memories have fulfilled their mission of developing the individual's character, they go through a spiritual process, after which they appear as copies of their original condition but with the difference that while in that previous condition they appear as memories of suffering, that is, memories of gravity, after the transformation they appear as perfect copies of these but built in love material. In a physical sense this means that those memories appearing as "iron pictures" are being transformed to appear in a more precious metal such as "gold". Thus, little by little as they fulfil their mission in the individual's consciousness, all memories - however dark or unpleasant - leave copies in love material which constitutes the spiritual world's most precious "metal", or "gold". Therefore, as time slowly passes, all dark memories will come to shine in an ever-increasing glorified light. And it is the development of that glorified light around the memories which is behind the saying "time cures all ills", just as that same light naturally and to a great extent promotes all forms of reconciliation and forgiveness of injustice. As the individual's memory material from former existences has already long since been transformed to golden structures and his inner world consists mainly of just such memory material, that same world will be for him identical with the whole of his own eternal panorama of life with all its previous happenings and experiences copied and appearing in everlasting love material - the spiritual world's golden material. As all experience memories in that inner world will appear in divine radiance and this radiance is felt or experienced by the individual as "bliss", that inner world has been named in Livets Bog the "kingdom of bliss" and consists of a plane of existence where the zone of manifestation occurs directly after the "divine world" in the evolutionary spiral.

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