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Our own knowledge and fate  4. As I mentioned before, we are not entirely at the mercy of these tremendous forces, for in reality, within the area governed by our free will, we constitute the dominating factor in the regulation of the influence of these tremendous forces upon our own existence. But again, as normally the most important factor behind our free will is our own knowledge, it depends on the scope of this knowledge whether we will meet a happy or unhappy fate. For if this knowledge does not cover an awareness of those realities which are identical with the unavoidable and necessary basis for a full harmony between our manifestations and the world energies, which will promote happiness, then we shall, in the same degree as our awareness deviates from it, meet a less ideal fate or experience of life. Consequently, our knowledge will in reality constitute the dominating factor in the regulation of our interaction with the influences directed towards us by nature. As we come to understand how to avoid those forms of energy that are uncomfortable and displeasing, we shall come more and more under the influence of those forms of energy that are pleasing and comfortable.

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