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The world picture manifests in chains of connected thoughts. Terrestrial mankind's only real necessity  64. Concerning the new world impulse there is one more point to mention: that while the world picture was shown only in a fragmentary and symbolic form of words through the old world impulse because of mankind's primitive standard of intelligence at that time, there were in it gleams of light on some important subjects and points of morality. However, through the new world impulse that same world picture becomes manifested in its entirety, in fully intelligible chains of thought, visible and satisfying not only for human feeling but also for the now rapidly growing intelligence and the dawning of intuition. It will thus be manifested in all details in a form of teaching which is able to turn the great commandment: "Love one another" into a science, and by this means gradually prove and guarantee that the only real necessity for terrestrial mankind is the transformation of that very commandment into a natural faculty and aptitude; that it is the key to all the power of cosmic sensing. In other words it is the talent to see God and thereby the source of all true beauty, joy, inspiration and perfect creation.

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