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Man must: "Gain bread by the sweat of his brow". Women must: "Bring forth children" in pain. "Accursed"  83. So the conditions experienced by terrestrial man at present are not as "paradise". The highest material happiness he can attain is wealth and luxury, but as this happiness can definitely exist only on the basis of other people's poverty, need and misery, it will continuously result in hatred, crime, strikes, lock-outs, revolution, war and mutilation, and this means unhappiness for the whole of the terrestrial community and incontestable proof of an imperfect social order, the conditions of which are still, to a great extent, that: "Man shall gain his bread by the sweat of his brow". This is one half of the animal kingdom's degeneration or ruin which, in connection with the other half manifesting itself in sexual abnormalities, unhappy marriages, irresponsibility and unfaithfulness, entails that, to an increasing degree: "Woman must bear her children in pain". A state of "accursedness" in the form of the degeneration and ruin of the animal kingdom, is thus brooding over the community of terrestrial mankind.

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