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1.    Experience of life
2.    Living beings and fate
3.    Pleasantness and unpleasantness
4.    Our own knowledge and fate
5.    The struggle for existence. Evolution
6.    The one thing needful
7.    Livets Bog a result of a sense of duty
8.    The purpose of the illustrations
9.    The symbols
10.    Livets Bog is not the "one and only salvation". Symptoms of ignorance. Holy writ and holy beings and the picture gallery of existence
11.    The recognition of the true nature of Livets Bog
12.    The biased faculty of love
13.    To be only partly in contact with the Truth
14.    Livets Bog and its opponents
15.    The mission of Livets Bog. Life's direct speech. The religion of life
16.    The seeker of Truth and the right source. "False prophets"
17.    The special characteristics of the right source. The faculty to experience life as communication with the Godhead
18.    Livets Bog and its reader
19.    My relationship to Livets Bog and the core of the said book. Livets Bog as a defence for all beings. The Eternal Truth in a new incarnation
20.    Information about myself. I experience a spiritual process, obtain "cosmic consciousness
21.    My cosmic sense horizon
22.    My lack of reading, my primitive schooling and non-connection with spiritual sects and creeds and the value The releasing factor for my mission and my activities. A comparison between other human beings and myself
  Chapter 1    The World Situation
23.    "Good" and "Evil"
24.    The world concepts of "God" and "Devil"; "Heaven" and "Hell"
25.    The general concept of existence at the present time
26.    Mankind's view of "evil" and "good" is changing
27.    Concepts of existence as truths through the ages
28.    A question and answer concerning Truth. The "pleasant good" and the "unpleasant good". A moral genius
29.    The general overall concept of life is outdated
30.    Mankind's cry for more knowledge. Proof of the decline of a world civilization
31.    The Earth's moral misery as a question of cause and effect. A stimulating basis for receptiveness towards a new spirituale enlightenment.A new and better existence in the earthly sphere
32.    The necessity for a new world impulse. A guarantee for terrestrial mankind's escape from darkness. The birth pangs before a new world epoch
  Chapter 2    The Divine Creative Principle
33.    The chief factor in X2
34.    Evolutionary spirals
35.    The dark radiation. The necessity of contrast
36.    The light radiation
37.    Eternal life's "days" and "nights"
38.    The dark radiation as a divine blessing
39.    World redeemers
40.    Dark world redeemers. The dark and the light world morality
41.    Light world redeemers
42.    Worship of world redeemers
  Symbol No. 1.    The Cosmic Radiation of the Globe
43.    The individual's ascending and descending curves
44.    An unbroken up-going course or development. Planes of existence
45.    The "days and nights" of eternal life
46.    The fundamental basis for the accessibility of all things to be sensed
47.    Cosmic radiation
48.    The change in the Globe's radiation. The United States of the World - "one flock, one shepherd"
49.    A long and glowing epoch of evolution is awaiting
  Chapter 3    The New World Impulse
50.    The Divine Creative Principle is accessible for sensing
51.    The dark radiation is undermined by the light radiation. The transformation of the light radiation into "thought pictures". The change in religions or world concepts
52.    Cosmic world impulses
53.    The Earth as the object for a new release of the Creative Principle's light radiation
54.    Impulses which are suitable for microcosmic and macrocosmic beings. Some first principles for the seekers of Truth
55.    A world redeemer is not omnipotent
56.    Globe beings, solar beings and milky way beings, communities and impulses
57.    Redeemers of mankind
58.    The world redeemers, globe redeemers, solar redeemers and milky way redeemers. The "Holy Spirit"
59.    Superstition and the worship of world redeemers. Difference in development between world redeemers and macrocosmic redeemers. Idolatry and heathenism as actual worship of God in embryo. Superstition
60.    A genuine impression of the Godhead. The disappearance of superstition conditioning the true experience of the Godhead as a fact
61.    World religions and folk religions. Catholicism
62.    Reformers. Religious sects. Spiritual communities
63.    Symptoms of the new world impulse. Science. The birth pangs of the new world impulse
64.    The world picture manifests in chains of connected thoughts. Terrestrial mankind's only real necessity
65.    A lasting "Peace on Earth"
  Symbol No. 2    Impulses of the Creative Principle
66.    World impulses. The Creative Principle's sign or hallmark in Livets Bog. A picture of terrestrial mankind's relationship with the creative impulses
67.    Other species of humanity and the new world impulse
68.    The symbol and the macrocosmic impulses. The Creative Principle as a condition for the individual's sense of existing
  Chapter 4    An International World State in Creation
69.    Summary of the foregoing chapters
70.    Terrestrial mankind under the conditions of life of the animal kingdom and of the human kingdom. The heroic figures of the dark morality and the core of that morality
71.    An undermining of animal conditions of life. Terrestrial mankind and "might is right"
72.    State power
73.    Terrestrial mankind's life is identical with a struggle for money
74.    The course of events and State power
75.    The business world as a refined form of the struggle for valuable goods
76.    The cosmic nature of the "business principle". Excess price and cut price. Private capital and examples of its consequences. The general principle of terrestrial mankind's instinct of self-preservation. Money power and State power
77.    The effect of money power. The terrestrial human community undermining itself
78.    Acquiring capital as a condition of life. Nobody to be blamed for the organization of the community. Social order and the concept: "Everything is very good". Terrestrial people "burning their fingers"
79.    A unification of "right" and "might" as the way to the "Great Peace"
80.    Terrestrial mankind's ancestors. The animal kingdom as a "Garden of Paradise"
81.    The first glimpse of a kingdom which, as yet, has not been of this world. Human consciousness in its first infancy. The "Fall" and the "Expulsion from Paradise"
82.    Enmity between the seed of the serpent and the seed of the woman. The head of the serpent will be "crushed", but terrestrial mankind gets its "heel bruised". Terrestrial mankind as a homeless "godson"
83.    Man must: "Gain bread by the sweat of his brow". Women must: "Bring forth children" in pain. "Accursed"
84.    "The eating of the tree of knowledge". "Forbidden fruit"
85.    "The Expulsion from the Garden of Paradise" as an expression of love. "The voice of the divine Father"
86.    "The Expulsion from the Garden of Paradise" as a result of "free will". God's "curse" as identical with education. Pain as a "means of protection" and a signpost to God and Truth
87.    A zone in which animal manifestations were not the same as the "Fall"
88.    The dawning of "neighbourly love"
89.    No religion is qualified to represent a special religion for the whole world. The unity of the terrestrial community under "one religion"
90.    The "religion" which will unite all mankind into one people, one kingdom
91.    A complete spiritual knowledge as the religious basis for all terrestrial people
92.    The characteristics of the complete world picture. Primitive people and civilised people brought to the same viewpoint in the demand for justice and spiritual knowledge
93.    The unification of all people and all countries into one kingdom
94.    All selfish phenomena dissolved. State power and universal love. System of law and justice under development
95.    "Private interest" and "common interest". "Money power". The "evil" and the "good" in terrestrial mankind's community. The representatives of State power. "Blind" politicians. The fundamental factors in world evolution
96.    The way to eliminate terrestrial mankind's state of suffering. The unification of "might" with "right". "Unselfishness" must appropriate all valuable goods
97.    The nations of the world to be compared with individuals constituting a community without a system of law and justice
98.    Lack of a world authority the main reason for terrestrial mankind's state of suffering. Formation of a world authority
99.    The State's system of law and justice as inconsistent and hampering the progress of the development of culture and morality
100.    The nations' selfishness and unselfishness. War beginning to be considered as "criminal". The necessity for a world authority
101.    The "League of Nations" as a system of law and justice without a police force amongst "Stone Age individuals".Unselfishness as the basis for the World State
102.    The State's appropriation of valuable goods. Abolition of armed forces. A world police force
103.    An international authority of administration, or World Government
104.    A World Court to change the general principle of the present trade system, which is based on "excess price"
105.    World Government to abolish the middleman system and "artificial livelihoods". Necessities of life become cheaper
106.    "Proletariat", "lower class" and "upper class". A person's true greatness
107.    The community of terrestrial mankind as the only lawful employer and possessor of wealth
108.    The entire world production regulated. The customs authorities to become the economy's police control
109.    The rightful purpose of machines according to the divine world plan. The exploitation by private power of machines. Destitution. Trade Unions, political organizations and societies
110.    The world as a "gift" for all terrestrial people. Work as the only means of payment. Money to disappear from the Earth
111.    Each individual becomes the "right man in the right place". "Normal working days"
112.    The "work-receipt card". The economy of the World State guaranteed to be in permanent balance
113.    "Public assistance" and "public maintenance" superfluous in the World State
114.    Life in the World State
115.    Marriage relieved from its economic pressure
116.    The main causes eliminated of child murder, clandestine births and abortion
117.    An extract from terrestrial mankind's cosmic analysis. The fulfilment of the great Commandment of Love in the form of twelve basic points
118.    Being for or against the twelve points which express the Commandment of Love
119.    The World State and its allied happiness will become a reality
  Chapter 5    Terrestrial Mankind's Receptivity to the New World Impulse
120.    The deciding forces for terrestrial mankind's receptivity to the new world impulse
121.    "Holy wrath", "righteous indignation"
122.    Groups A and B. The categories relating to intelligence and feeling
123.    FIRST CATEGORY IN GROUP A. Equal intelligence and feeling. "Wisdom" and "love". The Great Birth's forecourt. The leading practitioners of the new spiritual culture within terrestrial humanity
124.    SECOND CATEGORY IN GROUP A. Too strongly developed feeling in relation to intelligence
125.    First section. "Guardians of the threshold to the Great Birth's forecourt". Pioneers of the new world impulse
126.    Second section. Fanaticism. "Recruits" and "apprentices" of religious organizations. The disintegrating forces of organized religion. The first opposition to the new world impulse
127.    Third section. Fanatical reformers and true world redeemers
128.    Fourth section. People who are partial adherents to both the old and the new world impulse. "Religious homesickness"
129.    Fifth section. Artists, scientists and world redeemers constituting the tools by whose help spirit and culture are created. The modern arts, music and architecture
130.    Guiding remarks. The faculty of feeling converted to the "sex urge". The "zone of unhappy marriages". The sexuality of terrestrial mankind and of the perfect human being
131.    The degeneration of terrestrial human sexuality. Perversity
132.    Sixth section. People who are completely dominated by sexuality and degeneration
133.    The emotional life in the second category and the killing of animals. People beginning to become vegetarians
134.    THIRD CATEGORY IN GROUP A. Too strongly developed intelligence in relation to feeling. Domain of the development of the "bourgeoisie" and "upper class"
135.    First section. "Visits" into the Great Birth's forecourt. The appearance of wisdom. Philosophers and spiritual researchers
136.    Second section. Science, wisdom and scientists. The attitude of science to the analyses coming from the new world impulse
137.    Third section. Politicians. The new world impulse meeting opposition among its own supporters. A reformation on an antireligious basis constituting the creation of a new foundation for revolution. No political enterprise able to succeed except upon a spiritual basis. Antireligiousness crumbling and perfect politics arising
138.    Fourth section. The thought climates and people of the business world. The nature of advertising constituting economic taps" and "pitfalls". The business world undermining itself. People who feel their existence threatened by the new world impulse and their unfounded opposition to it
139.    Fifth section. "Criminals". The cause of the different stages in character and morality. The way to "conversion" for people in the fifth section. The proper attitude towards "criminals"
140.    GROUP B. People who are, or can become, faithful supporters of the old world impulse. A fundamental difference between the religious attitudes of the two large groups. "Divine suggestion". "Faith" as a release of spiritual forces and "conversion". The difference between Group A and Group B. The difference between the old and the new world impulse. People with advanced intelligence still in the area of religion subject to divine suggestion
141.    Those factors by whose help faith or divine suggestion is maintained
142.    The attitude in the consciousness of the two groups towards daily events. Livets Bog and Group B
143.    Divine suggestion as an expression of: "Everything is very good". The growth of intelligence and its consequences. Religious sects. The "faithful" and the "converted"
144.    FIRST CATEGORY IN GROUP B. Equal intelligence and feeling. The "sincere believers". People of "faith", the killing principle and capitalism
145.    SECOND CATEGORY IN GROUP B. Too much feeling in relation to intelligence. Fanaticism in people's relation to the old world impulse. People's conception of those who are "saved" and those who are "lost". Violations of the old world impulse in the form of masked intolerance. The proper attitude towards opponents of the new world impulse
146.    THIRD CATEGORY IN GROUP B. Advanced intelligence in relation to feeling. People who are new to civilization and without any conscience about breaking its laws. People's faculty of feeling is growing
147.    Primitive people. The proper attitude towards primitive human beings
148.    People's relation to the various categories through childhood and youth
149.    Reference to symbol No. 3 and No. 4 and the hope, through this chapter, of training human beings in that purity which is necessary in order to "see God"
  Symbol No. 3    The Categories of Consciousness in Terrestrial Man
150.    The Globe and the old and new world impulses. Group A and Group B
151.    Summary of the first category in Group A
152.    Summary of the second category in Group A
153.    Summary of the third category in Group A
154.    Summary of the first category in Group B
155.    Summary of the second category in Group B
156.    Summary of the third category in Group B
157.    Human beings of the criminal world
  Symbol No. 4    Intolerance
158.    Description of the analysis in the fifth chapter
159.    Intolerance as the "strongest guardian of the threshold". The intolerant individual constituting a representative of the animal kingdom. Illusion as the cause of intolerance. The dictating factor behind the individual's will. Concepts, intelligence and feeling
160.    The cause of the combination of intelligence and feeling. The forces governing the will are unchangeable by dictatorship. A missing link in the individual's chain of experience. The futility of employing anger, corporal punishment and so forth in teaching. People for whom the missing link in their chain of experience is still "chastisement" and suffering. Part of what a person has to understand if he wishes to attain a transfigured existence
161.    Each person's own actual experiences as the main factor in development. Any theoretical influence directed towards an individual by other people constituting just a subsidiary factor. What one must be aware of when one wishes to influence other people by one's own knowledge
162.    One's practical behaviour as the main factor in influencing one's neighbour
163.    When another person possesses a different religious concept or idealism from that possessed by oneself. Any kind of intolerance as an expression of the very highest degree of naïvety and imperfection, spreading death and horror instead of light and love. Intolerance, and those measures established for the maintenance of public safety
164.    No concept is a reasonable ground for intolerance
165.    Release from the feeling of intolerance is necessary in order to approach the higher zones of consciousness
166.    The cause of intolerance and the contest against it. When one expresses anger towards a person showing intolerance
167.    A high degree of tolerance and understanding is necessary for those people who wish to participate in guiding the world forward to better conditions
168.    Intolerance and the cosmic basic energies; gravity, feeling and intelligence
169.    Gravity energy bound by love energy. The terrestrial human community beginning to meet the atmosphere of the zone of love
170.    The explanation of the symbol itself. Terrestrial humanity's intolerance as an obstruction of the world impulse. The Earth in a destructive fire maintained by every single individual's hatred and anger. "Love one another" or this great commandment's twelve points as fire-extinguishing water on this conflagration. The good soil. The good seed. The way to Truth and life. The entrance to a transfigured existence, to a life together with the eternal Godhead
  Chapter 6    From Animal to Man
171.    Terrestrial man as a being in transition from animal to human. The killing principle. The motivating factor in the evolution of the animal kingdom
172.    The reason for the animal kingdom's rigorous conditions of life. The difference between terrestrial mankind and the ordinary animal. The beginning of religiousness. The first forms of prayer to God
173.    The development of the first impressions of the existence of a Providence. The first buds of a new type of consciousness or a new kingdom
174.    The first type of religiousness promoting selfishness. The beginning of God worship. The first forms of heroic figures. The "dark morality" which gave birth to the "light morality"
175.    Terrestrial mankind and the spiritual energies. Terrestrial mankind is led through the great commandment: "Love one another" towards spiritual energies and spiritual conditions
176.    Beginning of spiritual abilities. Signs of the nearness of the Great Birth. Areas in which individuals can become spiritualized only through pain and suffering. Terrestrial mankind at different stages in its awakening process. The individual's understanding of spiritual realities and the speech of life
177.    Terrestrial mankind develops organs which should make it receptive to forces outside the material world. The physical world as illusory. Spiritual existence as the fundamental form for experience of life. People on Earth as unborn embryos in the spiritual world. The whole of terrestrial mankind's existence as an introduction to the real life. Livets Bog and the introductory material
178.    The development of organs for an ennobled consciousness, that is an existence of loving
179.    When the individual radiates pure love. The initiation to the real life and the true value of life
180.    Science on the edge of the spiritual world
181.    When substances consist of spiritual energy. The thought climates of earthly science consist of the energies of gravity and intelligence and latent feeling energy and as a result are of a materialistic nature. Terrestrial people as "sleeping" beings in regard to spiritual planes of existence as long as science is only of a physical nature. Terrestrial mankind's unconscious spiritual bodies as being identical with the subconscious. When the subconscious bodies become day-conscious
182.    The plant's day-conscious and subconscious existence. Instinct energy. The kingdom of instinct or plant kingdom
183.    The plant's day-consciousness and the primordial forms of "pleasant" and "unpleasant". The results of the plant's closeness to the kingdom of bliss
184.    The plant's awake-consciousness and sleeping-consciousness. The first types of rest and activity. The animals's subconscious as opposed to the plant's subconscious
185.    The plant's transition into the animal kingdom. The animal's evolution progressing to the human kingdom. The spiritual bodies and terrestrial mankind's subconsciousness and day-consciousness
186.    The day-consciousness and subconscious of plants and animals. Totally physical manifestations. The instinct of self-preservation. The development of the ability to sense. The first forms of "thought pictures". The faculty of recognition. The first forms of sense experiences and their effects
187.    The individual and physical senses. "Undefined feelings". "Premonitions". "Psychic abilities". The function of intelligence and a spiritual dayconsciousness beginning to emerge
188.    Intelligence energy and memory impressions. The individual's memories and the faculty of recognition. Memories organized by virtue of the body of intelligence by which the faculty of recognition is strengthened
189.    "Definition" or "analysis". The first forms of knowledge. The emergence of a conscious ability to create. "Mental objects". Thoughts and thought structures
190.    The copying of mental objects and physical matter. Mental pictures or thought pictures as the originals for all realities within the field of "physical art". Thought transference from one individual to another by virtue of physical manifestations
191.    The evolution of language. All the nations on Earth will one day speak the same language
192.    Language in the form of "speech" and in the form of "writing"
193.    The individual begins to be able to experience and create "sorrow" and "joy". The emotional life evolves into "love"
194.    The emergence of "cosmic sight" or the individual's ability to experience the foundations of the universe and the "Eternal Truth". Beginning to "see God"
195.    Confirmation of the eternal words: "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God"
196.    The body of intuition in embryo in terrestrial mankind
197.    The faculty of intuition as the basis of genius in every form of higher mental manifestation
198.    The function of intuition lies outside terrestrial mankind's day-consciousness
199.    Intuition
200.    Intuition, artists and writers
201.    The faculty of intuition is again confirmed as the basis for genius in every form of higher mental manifestation and creation
202.    Intuition is manifested in the advanced scientist
203.    The faculty of intuition is not yet under the conscious control of terrestrial mankind and only appears momentarily
204.    The Great Birth
205.    The function of intuition as an advantage for the faculty of recognition and the ability to create
206.    The individual cannot experience permanent cosmic sight of the eternal realities until he has passed through the Great Birth
207.    The corruption of the highest knowledge and the results
208.    The way to cosmic sight; natural and unnatural training for it and the results. "Guardians of the threshold". Only the pure in heart will see God
209.    The reason why terrestrial mankind experiences the function of intuition unconsciously. Terrestrial mankind's function of memory is latent. The "inner world" and the body of memory. Being able to remember
210.    Terrestrial man and his primitive memory. A condition in which terrestrial man can remember a few hundred years back in his existence. Terrestrial man's "inner world" as a factor in the formation of his fate still belonging to his subconscious
211.    The individual's dark experiences or experiences of suffering become copied in love material and experienced as "bliss". Why "time cures all ills". The "kingdom of bliss"
212.    The individual's "inner world" as identical to his own past eternal panorama existing in the form of "love copies" which are experienced when his memory becomes sufficiently advanced
213.    Terrestrial man is only primitively conscious in his "inner world". Through intuition or cosmic sight terrestrial man can begin to sense "gold copies" - not as a memory but as an experience of eternity. The difference between intuition and memory. The nature of the faculty of seeing. "Gold copies" without feeling in areas where the body of memory cannot yet function. Experiencing "gold copies" by virtue of the body of intuition and by virtue of the body of memory. "Gold copies" can be experienced only as "bliss"
214.    A comparison between intuitive sight and physical sight and a comparison between the body of memory and the body of feeling. The experience of eternity in the form of "sight" and "feeling"
215.    The function of intelligence in terrestrial mankind appearing automatically along with an attitude of love. Terrestrial mankind does not yet experience intuition as conscious sight but only as fragments of higher knowledge
216.    "Gold copies" exist as genuine values. The difference between cosmic sight and physical sight. Transformation of genuine values to the individual's day-consciousness
217.    The thought process "from above" and the thought process "from below". Terrestrial science is still based on the thought process "from below". When terrestrial science reaches the thought process "from above"
218.    What the individual has access to through cosmic sight beyond the Great Birth
219.    The individual will come not only to "see" but also to "remember" his own previous eternal panorama
220.    The function of intuition in the seeker of Truth and in the artist. The thought process "from above" and "from below" and the "Divine Something"
221.    Remarks concerning the elucidation of subjects in the sixth chapter
222.    Examples of the mental function. Understanding, the ability to remember and memory material. All physical experiences based on the ability to "read". Physical experiences in pure essence. Psychic manifestation. People are leaving a world of beliefs in order to enter a world of knowledge
223.    The concept of terrestrial human existence as being physical. The concept of terrestrial mankind's spiritual experiences as being thoughts or thought pictures. Terrestrial man and his physical body, and this body's connection to the spiritual bodies
224.    The brain and nervous system as an antenna system for "electric" waves. "Electric" waves as the basis for the individual's experience of life. The brain and nervous system as the individual's gateway into the spiritual world. Special centres or complexes in the brain and nervous system for the various spiritual functions. Disharmony in the brain and nervous system as identical with "insanity", "mental deficiency" and "paralysis"
225.    Terrestrial mankind's subconscious and that of instinct beings. The seeker of Truth who does not know that the capacity of terrestrial science is without any spiritual standing, and therefore he lacks the prerequisite for being able to direct his spiritual course towards life outside the physical world
226.    Terrestrial mankind's spiritual bodies manifesting as subconscious, and knowledge in an embryonic state. Terrestrial mankind's science is under development and will one day become the centre of the spiritual world
227.    Science and commencing spiritual energy. Electricity, radiation and waves. The researcher makes use of instruments such as microscopes and telescopes. The researcher's results become "theories" but then become facts. The spiritual bodies and perfect spiritual sensing
228.    Great moral demands begin to be put upon the terrestrial scientific researcher. Circumstances under which the conclusions of the immoral researcher become false and thereby unscientific
229.    Zones where the researcher can be advanced without moral basis. Zones where research is based exclusively on being "pure in heart"
230.    Terrestrial science is about to pass into a spiritual life and a "thought life". Qualifications for becoming an authority in the area of spiritual research
231.    The researcher moving slowly away from the material plane. Terrestrial science as an instrument in the service of the dark morality. Terrestrial mankind's consciousness as a seed for the unfolding of genius in the animal consciousness. The cause of the title of "human being". The animal genius has to be lived through before the transformation of animal to real human being can accelerate
232.    The individual evolves through suffering and pain to a transfigured existence. Science becomes more and more difficult to prove for those people who can only sense on the material plane. There is no way to reach higher knowledge and learning or to "see" God except through refinement of the spiritual life
233.    There is no "fixed point" in the physical world. All material or physical realities are identical with movement or transformation. It is impossible to sense the same thing twice
234.    A picture of the universe recognized on the basis of movement is unrealistic
235.    Examples of the unreality of physical movements or manifestations. The limits of the physical world or time and space. A "something" which "experiences" despite the limits of time and space
236.    Another dimension of sensing outside the limits of time and space. Sensing in time and space is dependent on the individual's physical body
237.    The limits of the physical world are not found in distance but in condition. The individual's sensing beyond the limits of the physical world. Terrestrial man both as a physical and a spiritual being
238.    "Philosophy" as the beginning of spiritual science. The spiritual bodies and the Great Birth. When the individual assumes that physical realities are "fixed points". When the individual's concept of God does not appear on the basis of "fixed points". The illusory concept of God as the way to the real Godhead
239.    Just as the individual cannot experience the real sight of God in temporal values, neither can he experience his own cosmic identity by such values
240.    Living beings as identical with "fixed points" behind movement
241.    The individual's concept of living beings while he is able only to sense movement
242.    The individual's identity as an "eternal living being" becomes a fact and is experienced as the first part of the Great Birth
243.    Living beings as "fixed points" for the measurement of movement. The final results of movement do not exist as "speed" but "purpose"
244.    No absolute value whatsoever exists on the physical plane. Terrestrial mankind begins to be able to sense the intentions behind movements within the area of fellow beings of its own or related species but cannot experience the intentions behind the cosmic powers, the movements of planets, natural forces and the forces of fate, and must therefore be satisfied with "relative" values. Beyond the Great Birth the individual experiences all "fixed points" and thereby absolute values and the identity of living beings as "sons of God" and, in beginning to experience life in reality he becomes a "real human being" united with the Father
  Symbol No. 5    The Road towards Light
245.    Terrestrial people as "degenerating animals" and "prospective human beings". Terrestrial existence as a "Road towards Light"
246.    The tapering figure and the vertical areas. Comments on the mineral kingdom, the plant kingdom, the animal kingdom, and the living beings belonging to them
247.    The principle of religion. The Great Birth, the stages in terrestrial mankind's evolution. Divine suggestion. Science and philosophy as well as a kingdom which is not of this world. The position of the Earth and the planes of existence
248.    The experience of the Great Birth, terrestrial people and world redeemers. The rise of the real human kingdom on Earth
249.    The vertical areas and X1, X2 and X3
250.    A cosmic person's and a terrestrial person's sense of the triune analysis of a living being
251.    The symbol as an expression for the identity of the universe as an "all embracing living being" and the triune analysis of this living being; its identity as the "Godhead", the "Father" and the "sons of God"
252.    Final remarks about the Introduction and its relationship to the seeker of Truth and about conveying to the reader the analyses of the new world impulse in the form of Livets Bog and about guaranteeing this book to be identical with the Truth. The voice of the divine Father
  The Basic Energies of the Universe
  Chapter 7    The Basic Energies and the Planes of Existence
253.    Everything is energy. Every experience is identical with a divine blessing
254.    All the energy in the universe together appears in seven basic forms of vibration. An "eternal plane". The "Mother energy". The basic energies are symbolised as "steps on a ladder"
255.    "Instinct energy" and the "plant kingdom"
256.    "Gravity energy" and the "animal kingdom"
257.    "Feeling energy" and the "human kingdom"
258.    "Intelligence energy" and the "kingdom of wisdom"
259.    "Intuition energy". "Cosmic consciousness". The "Godhead's own viewpoint". The "divine world"
260.    The "outer world" and the "inner world". "Memory energy". The "mineral kingdom" or "kingdom of bliss"
261.    The basic energies. The planes of existence and the colours of the solar spectrum
  Symbol No. 6    The Eternal Godhead and Living Beings' Capacities for Sensing
262.    The planes of existence, living beings and their capacities for sensing are shown on the symbol
263.    The universe identical with nourishment for the capacities of sensing of living beings. Living beings' knowledge dependent upon the basic energies
264.    The basic energies as conditional factors in sensing. Every kind of sensing identical with an experience of the Godhead, this experience constituting the highest analysis of the basic energies
265.    The "Divine Something" and the basic energies expressed in the symbol. The Godhead as a sun in relation to the basic energies which eternally connects living beings with life
  Chapter 8    Evolution
266.    Living beings' experience of life sensed as transformation or evolution
267.    Living beings' age, standard of development and manifestation as a matter of cosmic perspective not an expression of their eternal existence
268.    Living beings and the ladder of evolution
269.    Living beings who differ so much from terrestrial human forms of life that senses other than physical ones are needed in order to experience them. Natural forces, or all forms of movement as identical with functions in a living being's organism
270.    The universe, the milky way, the solar system and the Earth as constituting enormous organisms inside which our organs or bodily structures live and move
271.    Beings who elude terrestrial sight. The aggregate energy of the universe is a combination of the bodily structures of living beings. Those realities which make the universe appear as a "ladder of evolution"
272.    Everything as an expression of life. It proves necessary for the seeker of Truth to obtain a comprehensive view of his own and his fellow beings' relationship to and position in evolution, or the living being's eternal journey towards Light
  Symbol No. 7    The Organization of Universal Energies or the Ladder of Evolution
273.    The middle row of steps or "zones of basic energy"
274.    The violet steps. World beings, fellow beings and matter beings. Spiral zones
275.    The principle of perspective or eternal evolution as one of the basic cornerstones on which rests our daily impression of existing
276.    Character zones
277.    All the energy of the universe in the form of a ladder of evolution as the fundamental basis for "Life's Road"
  Symbol No. 8    Life's Road - Cosmic Evolutionary Lines
278.    Stages of evolution. Life and Life's Road
279.    Dissimilarity between living beings on the same step in evolution exists only in form, not in morality. Moral standard is measured according to the living beings' ability to love each other
280.    The individual's body subject to renewal. A living being's eternal existence as a changing experience of six different forms of life
281.    The physical body as terrestrial mankind's most evolved body. Terrestrial mankind and the physical world. Death. A superstition which shuts out the individual's recognition of his own immortality. The concept of "death" as an expression for that part of the individual's life which lies outside his physical body
282.    Terrestrial man's tendency to believe in life after death. "Material" and "spiritual" existence
283.    The individual's ability to form new bodies on the basis of experience material from earlier lives. The "happy" or "unhappy" nature of the individual's fate based upon his experiences. The individual's ability to discipline his behaviour as the conditioning factor in his ability to form normal bodies. The reason for discussing these subjects here
284.    Two absolutely identical living beings is an impossibility. Only the moral standard indicates which living beings stand on the same step in evolution. Every living being's present terrestrial existence is a result of a previous existence on other globes. The origin of the cosmic evolutionary lines and their appearance as the source of the origin of the species,and the basis for the varieties of appearance in existence, regarding variations in bodies and forms of experience of life
285.    Mammals, insects and birds as expressions for cosmic evolutionary lines that cross the Earth, and consideration of the equality in evolution between mammals and insects
286.    Plants will not become animals with the same animal structure as we now see, nor will animals become human beings with the same form as humans now have. Bodily forms perish, or change, but the moral standard will be the same eternally for each step in evolution
287.    The cosmic lines. The "Divine Creative Principle" and the "Divine Something" expressed on the symbol
288.    All the cosmic basic energies together cause all living beings to be "cosmic travellers"; they appear as an unfailing source of divine wisdom and become the fundamental releasing element for love, joy and bliss

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