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The Eternal World Picture, vol. 6


The last and final symbol book in the series The Eternal World Picture was published in Danish by the Martinus Institute on 9th May (and in Swedish by Världsbilds Förlag on the same day). The Eternal World Picture, volume 6 includes the last 23 of Martinus' remaining symbols. This brings the total number of symbols to 100.

The Eternal World Picture contains the essence of Martinus' main work. Martinus writes about his symbols:"... the object of my illustrations is to make the study of the cosmic or spiritual universe as readily accessible to the general public as the study of physical, material territories is nowadays to a child at school by means of geography." Quote from Livets Bog, vol. 1, sect. 8.

The book can be purchased from the Institute, the Institute's internet bookshop, at the Martinus Centre in Klint and in bookshops around Denmark.

The symbol explanations are taken from tape-recorded lectures by Martinus. The transcripts of the tapes have been edited for publication. The guidelines for the editing process are available on this homepage. 278 pages, 300 DKK.