The Universe's Foundation of Life (the Three Cosmoses)
By Martinus
1. Human beings' inadequate view of the stars
Since time immemorial, human beings have gazed at the stars without knowing what they are really looking at. They have discovered that they consist of planets, suns and milky ways, or galaxies. They have also gradually acquired the knowledge of the orbits of some of these suns and planets in space. They have also begun to leave behind the old superstition that the Earth was the only planet that was inhabited. They have also acquired a certain knowledge of the material substances of these heavenly bodies. It seems that they are also to a certain degree able to acquire knowledge of the distance from the Earth of these suns and stars, and also their speed of movement and luminosity. But what does this knowledge tell human beings? It tells human beings only about the reactions of matter, its types of movement and vibration. They also see that in this entire function of matter, logical creative processes are taking place. But they nevertheless see only matter and its movements and transformations into phenomena that are logical and useful or vital to the lives of living beings, human beings, animals and plants. But they do not see that there is consciousness and a living originator behind these phenomena.
2. Is the macrocosmos, with its planets, suns and milky ways, a totally lifeless clump of matter?
How can these immense clumps of matter, stars, suns and milky ways, or what we call the "macrocosmos", carry out the logical creative processes that form the conditions of life for us and all our fellow beings on Earth? How can a logical creation take place without thought preceding it? Should not a logical creation in fact be planned in advance? But who has indeed planned the Earth's structure and position in the solar system in such a way that we ourselves can experience life and in addition become skilled in making life happy? Have these unconscious clumps of matter, which we call the macrocosmos, by chance formed themselves logically, formed themselves in such a way that they have become living space with all possible conditions for our experience of life on the physical plane? Can it be scientific to see this colossal, logical or purposeful shaping of matter as something completely haphazard, with absolutely no assistance from a higher function of consciousness? Can it be logical to assume that our macrocosmos is exclusively an unconscious clump of matter? If it is, how has it been able to create such totally perfect conditions for our physical life and appearance here on Earth?
3. Why do human beings believe that the macrocosmos is dead clumps of matter?
Of course, no logical creation can take place without consciousness. One has never yet, in the area in which human beings are able to perceive, seen that logical creation can take place without previous planning, without previous intellectual insight into what one wants to create. What is otherwise the use of intelligence or intellectual abilities? In the area in which we are able to perceive fully, one experiences as an unshakeable fact that no matter whatsoever can by itself form itself into intellectual, logical creations. How could a building come about by itself? And how could a builder create a building if he did not have intelligence? So how can it be that human beings go so far as to believe that the macrocosmos is merely unconscious clumps of matter that by chance, without consciousness and without intelligence, has been able to form itself so intellectually that it has become a world that is a vital necessity for myriads of different living beings, and of such perfection that these living beings can furthermore evolve to such a state of perfection in which they radiate such a universal love, such wisdom and power that they are an expression of "God's image after His likeness"? Why do human beings live in such ignorance and blindness, that is in glaring opposition to logical thinking, and that is glaringly opposed to all the facts? This view that human beings have of the macrocosmos is due exclusively to the fact that human beings have still not developed the complex of senses that gives them access to perception in the cosmic or high-psychic areas. This sensory complex exists under the expression "intuition". This ability develops only in relation to the human being's growth away from the animal nature in their psyche, which means the unloving or evil nature in the being. This evil disappears as the human beings come through their dark karma. I cannot go into greater detail about this here, but must refer to my main work "Livets Bog".
4. Why material science has nothing to say to human beings about the true life structure of the macrocosmos
When science or researchers cannot say anything about the identity of macrocosmos as life or living beings it is due to a lack of intuition. High education in material science does not develop the faculty of intuition. One cannot acquire this at schools or universities. As mentioned, it grows only automatically in keeping with the development of the human beings' sympathetic abilities, that is to say neighbourly love or universal love, the love that in the course of evolution leads the human being to be able to love its neighbour as itself. As this love develops, the intuition grows. As mentioned, it cannot be learned. It comes about automatically, as human beings develop in universal love. It therefore means nothing with respect to the acquisition of cosmic consciousness whether one is an expert, a doctor or a professor in pure material knowledge or science. Such people have acquired a body of knowledge with the help of their intelligence. But cosmic consciousness or knowledge can absolutely only be experienced personally with the help of intuition and love. If one has not developed these two great human characteristics, one cannot, through the use of one's other senses, experience cosmic consciousness. In fact, neither will one, in the worst case, believe in other peoples' experience of this high state of consciousness.
5. The modern materialistic critics or reviewers of high cosmic literature
One can therefore also experience that modern critics who review books and periodicals are inadequate when it is a question of reviewing books, periodicals and lectures based on cosmic knowledge. As they have, as of yet, not developed any particular degree of intuition, and also, as a rule, have a very small faculty for neighbourly love, they have absolutely no sense of the presence of the cosmic world behind the physical one. They think of higher cosmic literature only as superstition and confusion of concepts. And in their lack of neighbourly love and in their trust in the infallibility of their own capability, they can even be reckless and can distort and ridicule the cosmic literature and science that they, due to their position as critics, will report to the public. Such a critic should be excused. He himself does not know how colossally he reveals his naivety and ignorance regarding cosmic consciousness or the peak of consciousness that for millennia has been proclaimed to human beings as their highest point or final answer as "the human being in God's image after his likeness" and without which there will never ever be true, lasting peace on Earth. But cosmic consciousness continues to grow automatically in every human being, also in the negative critic as a link in God's plan of creation and it is therefore impossible for it to be brought to a halt by cosmically unconscious or ignorant beings, totally regardless of which material illustrious title it can shine with, and regardless of how intelligent they might be in the materialistic respect.
6. What is it that we see when we direct our gaze towards the stars?
So, what is macrocosmos, seen with the developed set of senses of intuition? To direct one's gaze up towards macrocosmos, towards this immense ocean of stars, this great sea of suns, planets and milky ways, is, to the intuitive sight, to see inside an immense living being. We see this inside as such a gigantic enlargement with our cosmic sight that its slightest details show themselves to us in macrocosmic formats. Our set of senses and appearance in relation to this gigantic area, this immeasurable expression of life, is so microscopic that we see its very smallest details in gigantic formats. So what do the smallest details of these gigantic beings look like to our sight? They look like particles and empty space. The particles are very different in size and manifestation. And the empty spaces are very, very much largerthan the particles. So, what are these particles and empty spaces? They constitute the starry sky, the suns, planets and milky ways that mankind has, for millennia upon millennia, looked up towards, without knowing what they have been looking at, without knowing that the clear starry sky's light and dark particles, which means respectively their stars and planets with their movements and reactions, are functions of life inside a gigantic being. But this being is in turn inside an even greater being and so on upwards into infinity. Here, the cosmic structure of the starry world therefore shows us that we find ourselves inside a living being's vital functions, which in turn are the same as the functions of an organism. We therefore find ourselves inside a living being's physical organism. Outside this organism, its originator has its physical day-consciousness and experience of life, its state of reincarnation and the experience of its state of creation from animal and devil-being to the "human being in God's image after his likeness", in precisely the same way that terrestrial human beings are in the process of doing in their spiral. But the macrobeing finds itself in an evolutionary spiral that is one evolutionary spiral above our own. All the living beings in the universe therefore find themselves in higher and higher spiral cycles. Here, I must also refer to my main work "Livets Bog".
7. How we ourselves are a macrobeing and a living place for microbeings
Can we, within the purely terrestrial human sensory field, find confirmation of a macrocosmic structure of life similar to the one that we have just seen? Yes, we can, in abundance. We just have to make a close observation of our own organism. It has for a long time been a fact to researchers that our organism consists of myriads of different forms of life or living beings, cells, molecules and many more down in microcosmos: atoms, electrons and so on. All these units of energy are expressions of life. How could they otherwise be able to move? These beings form, amongst other things, our organs, heart, brain, lungs, liver, kidneys, musculature, glands, nerves, tendons and skeleton. As well as being microbeings in our organism, these organs constitute with their organism a little world in itself that is also a living place for microbeings and fulfils their conditions of life. That their life is quite different than our own life does not change the fact that they are living beings in a living macrocosmos. This macrocosmos is therefore our entire organism. It is therefore a macrocosmos for living beings. We are therefore a being in which the living beings "live, move and have their being". In this macrocosmos, which we constitute with our physical organism, we experience ourselves as being a directing I, which decides over this organism. But since we ourselves are a macrocosmos with living space and conditions for living beings' experience of life, and equiped with consciousness, will and the ability to think, we have here in our own structure and condition of life the revelation that the previously mentioned macrocosmos in which we ourselves "live, move and have our being" also has a directing I that can decide over the macrocosmos or the world we find ourselves in and which is therefore this I's physical organism. The planet Earth and everything that is outside us that we call Nature - planets, suns and milky ways - are therefore this gigantic macrobeings' organs and vital functions, driven and guided by this being's I, consciousness, ability to think and will power.
8. Every living being is at the same time a macrobeing and a microbeing
But if we are therefore in a macrobeing's system that provides a habitation and a dwelling for human beings, animals and plants, what about our own physical organisms? Are not these also a macrocosmic system that provides a habitation for myriads of living beings in microcosmic size? Yes, that is precisely what they do. In this way, our organism is a macrocosmos for these beings, and our I its directing originator. How else could all the microbeings that experience life inside us otherwise be able to exist physically? It is therefore a condition of life for every living being's physical existence that it exists in a living being that is macrocosmos and that itself constitutes a macrocosmos for living beings. How could it live in a physical organism that did not one hundred percent consist of living beings? That this is impossible is just as unshakeable a fact as it is an unshakeable fact that every living being's organism consists of nothing other than living beings. But these living beings that exist in every living being also have an organism that in turn consists of living beings. These beings are thereby also macrobeings for living microbeings, which also in turn have organisms consisting of living beings, and so on. All living beings are thereby visible as macrobeings for their organism's living microbeings. But they are also themselves microbeings for the macrobeings in whose organisms they experience life. All living physical beings are therefore each at the same time both a macrobeing and a microbeing. It is a principle of life that is an absolutely unshakeable condition for every living being to be able to appear and experience life on the material or physical plane.
9. Why we see the macrocosmos and the microcosmos as particles and empty space
But just as our macrobeing is an outer world to us, our microbeings, to whom we are their macrobeing, are to us an inner world. We therefore find ourselves in a mesocosmic state. All beings - human beings, animals and plants in our spiral cycle - therefore constitute a mesocosmos. We border down into microcosmos and up into macrocosmos. As we as mesocosmic beings cannot see our microcosmic beings or our macrocomic beings in their mesocosmic state, that is to say the state in which they day-consciously experience their forms of life, we can see them only in the final analysis of their microscopic state. The final analysis of the substance of the spiral cycles becomes visible as particles and empty space. If we analyse microscopic matter in its final fundamental principle, it shows itself as a starry sky with suns, planets and milky ways. Here, we have arrived at the border of physical matter in microcosmos. If we look up towards our macrocosmos, we also see it in what for our senses is this final microscopic analysis appearing to our senses. And also here we see matter appearing in particles and empty space, that is to say as a starry sky with its suns, planets and milky ways.
10. God comes into sight as a fact to the advanced researcher
Our primary world is therefore the macrocosmic organism in which we live, move and have our being, just as our organism is the primary world for the living beings that live inside it. Our organism is therefore a macrocosmic world for these beings, just as our I is these beings' highest deciding originator. The I is therefore a highest deciding originator in every organism or macrocosmos. But, since a macrocosmos cannot exist without being a microcosmos in a higher macrocosmos, all macrocosmos are organs in the same organism. We call this organism the universe. And the I's in all these macrobeings that the universe consists of constitutes a cosmic unit, or one single great I. And that is what has, through all the ages, formed the basis of human beings' instinctive view and idea of a Godhead. Since all the macrocosmoses as well as the microcosmoses in this universe therefore constitute a cooperating unit on which all life depends, we therefore have here as a fact the living all-governing Godhead. We are therefore all gods, as Christ declared. Every living being's organism is therefore a macrocosmos with a governing I. Every human being is therefore a godhead for the living microbeings in its organism. We are taking part in creating the possibilities of their life, their suffering as much as their happiness and wellbeing.
We have therefore, here in our experience of the universe, seen a sketch of its life structure. We have seen that the universe is a combination of living beings divided in such a way that they find themselves as a macrocosmos or as a universe for living beings that in relation to themselves are in micro-format. And as this applies to absolutely any living being whatsoever, all living beings are indissolubly bound together. In this way, the universe emerges as a living, manifesting and experiencing living being. As this living being consists of the whole of the universe, it differs from all other living beings in that it is the absolutely only macrocosmos that is not at the same time a microcosmos in a greater living being. It is not so remarkable that this being is thereby the absolute very highest being. Since this being, as we have said, consists of the whole, it therefore becomes a fact that this being has almightiness, all-encompassing wisdom and universal love. That such a being can be expressed only as the eternal, absolute and true Godhead is an unshakeable fact to the advanced researcher.
11. God's primary and secondary consciousness. God as the living foundation of the universe or an absolute living being in which we all "live, move and have our being".
All living beings are therefore microbeings in God's organism (the universe). Together, these living beings constitute the tool with which God creates and maintains his consciousness. Since consciousness is created, it is therefore subject to time and space. In order that God can therefore have a consciousness that is always at its peak, it must be in a permanent state of renewal. This renewal takes place through the living beings' passage through darkness. This therefore consists of the beings in God's organism, whose cosmic consciousness has degenerated. God can therefore no longer experience and display his entire universal love, and thereby his all-encompassing wisdom and almightiness, through them. They therefore constitute darkness, that is to say a state of life that in turn renews these beings with cosmic consciousness. But they thereby become tools for God's creation of his "primary consciousness" and primary manifestation of life until their cosmic consciousness once again degenerates. They will then once again have their consciousness renewed, and this takes place through the cosmic cycle. As their cosmic consciousness degenerates, they will once again be led from the kingdom of bliss (the mineral kingdom), through the plant kingdom and animal kingdom and on to the true human kingdom, where they once again have received cosmic consciousness and here once again enter, as cells or life units, into God's primary consciousness until they once again degenerate and again have to go through darkness or the physical world in order to gain cosmic consciousness and together with all the other cosmic beings become tools in the maintenance of God's primary consciousness. As beings in the darkness of the physical world, they can constitute only God's secondary consciousness. But the consequence of the cycle is that God's consciousness is permanently primary and at its peak.
Here, we have seen the universe's living foundation or organisation of life and that this life is an eternal, almighty, all-loving and all-knowing Godhead, in which we all live, move and have our being.
Danish title: Verdensaltets livsfundament (De tre kosmos). The article is a transcription of a manuscript for a lecture held at the Martinus Institute on Monday the 5th October 1970. The section headings are by Martinus. Clean copy by Torben Hedegaard. Approved in the Council 31.05.2008. Translation by Andrew Brown 2021. Article ID: M2522.
© Martinus Institut 1981, www.martinus.dk
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