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  Chapter 4    An International World State in Creation
69.    Summary of the foregoing chapters
70.    Terrestrial mankind under the conditions of life of the animal kingdom and of the human kingdom. The heroic figures of the dark morality and the core of that morality
71.    An undermining of animal conditions of life. Terrestrial mankind and "might is right"
72.    State power
73.    Terrestrial mankind's life is identical with a struggle for money
74.    The course of events and State power
75.    The business world as a refined form of the struggle for valuable goods
76.    The cosmic nature of the "business principle". Excess price and cut price. Private capital and examples of its consequences. The general principle of terrestrial mankind's instinct of self-preservation. Money power and State power
77.    The effect of money power. The terrestrial human community undermining itself
78.    Acquiring capital as a condition of life. Nobody to be blamed for the organization of the community. Social order and the concept: "Everything is very good". Terrestrial people "burning their fingers"
79.    A unification of "right" and "might" as the way to the "Great Peace"
80.    Terrestrial mankind's ancestors. The animal kingdom as a "Garden of Paradise"
81.    The first glimpse of a kingdom which, as yet, has not been of this world. Human consciousness in its first infancy. The "Fall" and the "Expulsion from Paradise"
82.    Enmity between the seed of the serpent and the seed of the woman. The head of the serpent will be "crushed", but terrestrial mankind gets its "heel bruised". Terrestrial mankind as a homeless "godson"
83.    Man must: "Gain bread by the sweat of his brow". Women must: "Bring forth children" in pain. "Accursed"
84.    "The eating of the tree of knowledge". "Forbidden fruit"
85.    "The Expulsion from the Garden of Paradise" as an expression of love. "The voice of the divine Father"
86.    "The Expulsion from the Garden of Paradise" as a result of "free will". God's "curse" as identical with education. Pain as a "means of protection" and a signpost to God and Truth
87.    A zone in which animal manifestations were not the same as the "Fall"
88.    The dawning of "neighbourly love"
89.    No religion is qualified to represent a special religion for the whole world. The unity of the terrestrial community under "one religion"
90.    The "religion" which will unite all mankind into one people, one kingdom
91.    A complete spiritual knowledge as the religious basis for all terrestrial people
92.    The characteristics of the complete world picture. Primitive people and civilised people brought to the same viewpoint in the demand for justice and spiritual knowledge
93.    The unification of all people and all countries into one kingdom
94.    All selfish phenomena dissolved. State power and universal love. System of law and justice under development
95.    "Private interest" and "common interest". "Money power". The "evil" and the "good" in terrestrial mankind's community. The representatives of State power. "Blind" politicians. The fundamental factors in world evolution
96.    The way to eliminate terrestrial mankind's state of suffering. The unification of "might" with "right". "Unselfishness" must appropriate all valuable goods
97.    The nations of the world to be compared with individuals constituting a community without a system of law and justice
98.    Lack of a world authority the main reason for terrestrial mankind's state of suffering. Formation of a world authority
99.    The State's system of law and justice as inconsistent and hampering the progress of the development of culture and morality
100.    The nations' selfishness and unselfishness. War beginning to be considered as "criminal". The necessity for a world authority
101.    The "League of Nations" as a system of law and justice without a police force amongst "Stone Age individuals".Unselfishness as the basis for the World State
102.    The State's appropriation of valuable goods. Abolition of armed forces. A world police force
103.    An international authority of administration, or World Government
104.    A World Court to change the general principle of the present trade system, which is based on "excess price"
105.    World Government to abolish the middleman system and "artificial livelihoods". Necessities of life become cheaper
106.    "Proletariat", "lower class" and "upper class". A person's true greatness
107.    The community of terrestrial mankind as the only lawful employer and possessor of wealth
108.    The entire world production regulated. The customs authorities to become the economy's police control
109.    The rightful purpose of machines according to the divine world plan. The exploitation by private power of machines. Destitution. Trade Unions, political organizations and societies
110.    The world as a "gift" for all terrestrial people. Work as the only means of payment. Money to disappear from the Earth
111.    Each individual becomes the "right man in the right place". "Normal working days"
112.    The "work-receipt card". The economy of the World State guaranteed to be in permanent balance
113.    "Public assistance" and "public maintenance" superfluous in the World State
114.    Life in the World State
115.    Marriage relieved from its economic pressure
116.    The main causes eliminated of child murder, clandestine births and abortion
117.    An extract from terrestrial mankind's cosmic analysis. The fulfilment of the great Commandment of Love in the form of twelve basic points
118.    Being for or against the twelve points which express the Commandment of Love
119.    The World State and its allied happiness will become a reality

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