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A World Court to change the general principle of the present trade system, which is based on "excess price"  104. The World Government will have immense problems to work on, problems that will concentrate on bringing terrestrial mankind (the nations as well as the individuals) into contact with the actual law of existence. As that side of the law of existence which is the absolute basis for a happy existence for the community stipulates that "every value must be paid by a corresponding value", neither more nor less, then the international World Court will have to cancel the general principle of the present system of trade, which actually depends on the stipulation "all goods have to be paid by an excess price", because it is based on - not an earning, but - a profit. Here the term "profit" is to be understood as a value or an amount for which nothing at all is given in exchange, while the term "earning", on the contrary, must be taken to mean payment for work rendered. In one of the examples given in Section 76 it was shown that a man sold a product to the community and that the object of this transaction was not the "earning" (the 5000 kr. required for his natural necessities of life), but on the contrary, the "profit" which, in the case in question, totalled 65,000 kr., for which nothing of any kind was contributed in return. As any product - according to the law of existence - should be paid for only with its real value, then any kind of trade which gives more returns than a natural working wage will be a "cloak" for an unjust appropriation, and thus synonymous with "masked robbery". By a working wage, of course, one should not understand a value running into thousands or tens of thousands of kroner per day or per week for one single individual, for such wages can only be obtained as long as the total world economy of terrestrial mankind's community is completely without any administration.

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