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A complete spiritual knowledge as the religious basis for all terrestrial people  91. The spiritual basis upon which all terrestrial people are able to unite cannot be a religious belief but has to be a religious knowledge. Just as two and two make four for people all over the world, so too, must life's highest and most importance analysis be of an international nature, and the same for all people. As long as this is still not the case, but Catholics believe that the universe is Catholic, Muslims that it is islamic, Buddhists that it is Buddhist, and Jews that it is Jewish and so forth, this will merely imply that the religious basis of the people mentioned above has not become knowledge, but on the contrary only appears as an idea formed by each of those people's wishes and desires; for if this were not so, it would, like the sum of two and two, be international in character. Absolute knowledge, or science, which means an analysis of facts, cannot be of a national or individual nature, for if it were so, it could not be true knowledge; it would, on the contrary, only appear as identical with a supposition or an imaginary fact that might exist. If there were individuals who believed, for instance, that two and two made three, five, six or seven and so on, none of these results would be science, but, on the contrary, only individual presumptions of the nature and existence of the true sum. It would be the expression of insufficient talent in that special area and would have to be changed so that the suppositions in question were raised to a scientific level, and then the true result, the figure four, would appear. While the former figures were expressions of individual ideas and would have to be altered, the figure four, in the above example, is an expression of an analysis of fact and cannot be altered. Two and two make four everywhere in the universe and through all epochs, whilst the other results exist only in certain areas of consciousness maintained by ignorance. Just as the recognition of the fact that the sum total of two plus two would have to be altered as long as it was still an erroneous and imperfect assumption, so it is with terrestrial mankind's recognition of the greatest mystery of life or the Eternal Truth. This is still largely appearing as two plus two equals three, five, six or seven and so on, and thus comes to reveal itself correspondingly as mere individual concepts of the Truth - or of the true value of life - thus becoming a religion for a people whose attitudes have been in harmony with such a concept. Hence, to some people this true value appears as Catholic, and to others Buddhist and so on, in accordance with the special perceptive abilities possessed by the people in question. But, just as little as the real total of two plus two can be an individual answer, or can be Catholic, islamic and so on, just so little can the real analysis of the supreme laws of life, or the Eternal Truth, be individual, be eastern or western. The Eternal Truth, or the absolute analysis of life, is the same throughout the universe, it is the same for all individuals regardless of their supposition and imagination about that Truth and whether they know it or not. And it is this eternal unchanging analysis of the Truth, this true value of the collective manifestation of life, its movements and vibrations, which all terrestrial people and all nations must be made to know and to accept. This alone possesses the necessary stability within itself to bring about peace for mankind over the whole world, to direct the spiritual course of an entire globe up towards the eternal regions, towards the summit of life, happiness and universal love.

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