Be a volunteer!
The Martinus Institute is an idealistic workplace where all tasks are carried out in teams consisting of a few employees and a large number of unpaid volunteers. The tasks are wide-ranging – from very practical jobs in the kitchen and garden to specialised tasks, such as teaching and translation.
We all have in common an interest in Martinus’s world picture; this contributes to a friendly atmosphere and friendly cooperation between staff members – something we all value very much. Some work can be done at home, but otherwise work is usually done at the Martinus Institute in Frederiksberg during the winter and at Martinus Centre, Klint in Odsherred during the summer.
There is plenty of work to be done all year round, but the high season for volunteering is during the school summer holidays, where we run six intensive course weeks at the centre in Klint. During this period, up to 100 volunteers work together to make it all a success.
Influence and Freedom
Contact us if you would like to volunteer or receive further information.

Contact us if you would like to volunteer
Volunteer at the Martinus Institute:
Contact Pernilla Rosell at the Martinus Institute
by mail: pernilla@martinus.dk or phone: +45 44 12 43 44.
Contact Aninet Sommer by email:
klintfrivillig@martinus.dk or phone: +45 44 12 43 48