Tasks and ways of working

The tasks at the Martinus Institute are concerned primarily with publishing, teaching and administration, but there are also practical tasks involving working in the kitchen, the garden and maintaining the building.
As a volunteer at the Martinus Centre, Klint there are also lots of tasks including teaching and practical work. We are most in need of volunteers during the school summer holidays and during the three working weeks, which are at Easter, in mid-June and in the autumn holiday in October. If you sign up as a volunteer, you will receive a staff discount on both teaching and accommodation.
Contact us if you would like to volunteer.
Volunteering at the Martinus Institute:
Contact Pernilla Rosell at the Martinus Institute
by mail: pernilla@martinus.dk or phone: +45 44 12 43 44.
Volunteering at the Martinus Centre, Klint:
Contact Aninet Sommer by email:
klintfrivillig@martinus.dk or phone: +45 44 12 43 48