The Martinus Institute’s privacy policy

The Martinus Institute makes every effort to comply with the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation, which ensures that your personal data is not misused. This policy tells you what personal data we collect and why, and how we take care of it.
1. Why a Personal Data Regulation?

The purpose of the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is to strengthen citizens’ rights by giving them greater control over their own personal data. All private companies, organisations and public authorities are subject to the rules that came into force in May 2018 and are the same for all EU Member States.

2. Who is responsible for personal data?

It is the Martinus Institute of Spiritual Science (commonly known as the Martinus Institute or just MI) that is responsible for the processing of your personal data:

The Martinus Institute
Mariendalsvej 94-96, DK-2000 Frederiksberg, Denmark
CVR number: 19 96 14 86

3. What is personal data used for?

Processing and storage of personal data is necessary in order to offer you our products and services. However, we collect and use personal data for only the following purposes:

  • Delivery of the magazine Kosmos
  • Sending out newsletters
  • Booking of courses
  • Participation in study groups
  • Purchases in our webshop

The Martinus Institute has entered into a data agreement with our IT suppliers in connection with online booking and webshop purchases, and they are obliged to comply with the General Data Regulation as well as the guidelines in the data agreement.

4. What personal data do we process?

We process personal data only for the purposes mentioned in point 3 and only to the extent that is relevant and necessary for serving those purposes.

We process the following categories of personal data:

  • Ordinary contact data such as name, email address, postal address and phone number
  • Course history
  • Study group history
  • Webshop purchase history

We do not collect or process sensitive personal data. The only exception is Danish CPR numbers from donors who would like to deduct gifts from tax, since the CPR number is necessary for reporting to the tax authorities.

5. How do we collect personal data?

The personal data about you we process comes directly from you. When you order a product or service from us, you consent to us using your contact data for the desired purpose.

6. Who do we share personal data with?

We do not share personal data with third parties.

7. How long do we keep personal data?

We store personal data for only as long as they are necessary for the fulfilment of the original purposes for which they were collected (see point 3). For example, the Martinus Institute deletes data about subscribers who have cancelled their subscription to the magazine Kosmos or our newsletter.

8. What security measures have we taken?

All personal data is processed with responsibility and confidentiality by a few trusted employees. We do everything we can to take care of your personal data. We secure them both through technical and organisational security measures, so that all personal data is protected against unauthorised access, manipulation, deletion and data loss.

9. Cookie Policy uses cookies to make the site work and collects statistics to improve the site.

Cookies are small text files that collect data about the user containing letters and numbers that are stored on your computer, smartphone or any other device you may use, which can be used to improve the user’s experience of, for example, a website. Cookies are made the first time that you visit a website and can be recognised the next time you visit the website.

A cookie that is used does not identify the individual user, but only the user’s device. Cookies do not in any way pose a threat to your device and do not access applications, apps or personal information on your device.

The law states that we may store cookies on your device if they are strictly necessary to ensure the provision of the service you have expressly requested to use. For all other types of cookies, we need to obtain your consent.

You can change or withdraw your consent from the Cookie Declaration on our website at any time.

See cookie disclaimer for the cookies that are used on

10. What are your rights?

You can at any time update your personal data in our system, and you have the right to have your personal data deleted.

Upon request, you can obtain access to your own personal data in our system, e.g. by e-mail.

You always have the option to withdraw your consent (see point 5).

If you believe that the Martinus Institute is processing your personal data unlawfully, you can complain to the Danish Data Protection Agency.

The Martinus Institute 2018 (updated October 2021).