Human relationships and universal love (kursus på engelsk)

Weekend course in English (online and onsite), with Mary McGovern, Anne Pullar and Micael Söderberg
27th–29th May 2022, Friday 19.00/7 pm – Sunday 14.30/2.30 pm CET

Welcome to a hybrid course where you will be able to participate either online from your home or physically at the Martinus Centre, Klint, Denmark.

We see a variety of sexual states and behaviour, and a growing interest in human sexuality and gender issues. Why is marriage increasingly unstable? Why do many experience conflicting needs to express their creative and intellectual abilities and to be good parents and spouses? Why are some attracted to the opposite sex while others are attracted to their own sex or both sexes? We will study Martinus’s analysis of sexual evolution and look at how it can support us in gaining better insight into our own identity and help us navigate the changing sexual landscape.

Programme: Human relationships and universal love

Price: Online participation: 250 DKK. Register on Crowdcast here.

Participation at the Martinus Centre, Klint: 600 DKK (course and meals) | 1,100 DKK  (course, meals and accommodation)

Meals include: lunch and dinner on Saturday, lunch on Sunday, tea, coffee and snacks in the breaks.

Online booking Practical information

More information:

The physical course takes place at:
Martinus Center Klint

Klintvej 69, Klint
DK-4500 Nykøbing Sjælland



27 - 29 May 2022


The Martinus Centre, Klint

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